Reminiscent Summer
Reminiscent Summers

Pod of Whales Mural, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Aug 2019

Hope you are all well as you gear up for taking a different kind of break over the summer period. 

For us as a family, 2020 has been weird and different, though the summer break just seems to be an extension of the original lock-down. Except for getting essentials, we have been inside since March and venturing out with the whole family for a few outings since June.

The school year ended at 10am on the Friday, and the kids declared themselves bored to death by midday!!  We normally head off to some wonderful location for two weeks at the end of July for our son's birthday, this year will be different, spent in Switzerland instead.

Without shutting down completely, the Essentially Lili business hours will be altered to ensure we have a break with the kids.  You can check out our adventures on the Photo Gallery, or follow on Instagram with pics of wherever we end up during the summer.

During the past months, I have been distributing gems from the Blog Library. There are so many gems, tips and techniques from making your own masks, scrubs, to dealing with stress and assisting hair growth!!  For more information, please feel free to check out the Blog Library as well as follow me on Instagram Essentially Lili & Facebook Pages. 
The Testimonials page has also had a revamp, with Consultations, Before and After Pictures from Customers. 

In the meantime, please continue to use common sense, being considerate of others whilst enjoying your summer break.  Sending you and your family virtual hugs of love & encouragement, and look forward to meeting up with you once again in the future.  Much Love xx Lili x



Did you get a Gift with your purchases between April and July?   I would love to hear what you loved about your Gift, how it felt on your skin, or how the recipient loved it!! 

Covid Lock-down has affected us all in so many varying ways.  From job losses and no income, to small businesses slowing down altogether or grinding to a halt.  During this crisis and lock-down, I wanted to celebrate milestones, Essentially Lili & my birthdays by giving back to my customers in some way. 

Feeling extremely generous and wanting to give back to my customers by adding over $1,500 CHF worth of products to packages sent out.  These included Frankincense Face Serum, Magic Serum, Diamond Era Serum, Blissful Minds and Kids Breathe Easy Concentrate.  

I'd love to hear your feedback about the product you have received, whether  you gave it away to your Mums, friends or family, particularly if the gift you received was something you have never tried before.

Gift Cards for End of Year Presents


The collage of pictures was meant to be a celebration of no foundation and wearing the range of products that has kept my skin looking and feeling youthful for the past years.  It also shows my how much 'Covid-Curls' have grown in the last photo since my last haircut in February!!!   These pics were taken in taken in Zug, Zurich or at home, with the middle photos in Santorini Greece 2019 celebrating my 50th birthday and London. I still haven't decided if or how long I will grow my hair, but for now, the curls are rocking!!   Please feel free to share your vote!!  1 for Short or 2 for Long!

The products I use include Cool Eyes around the frames in the morning, Frankincense Face Serum and Nourishing Face BalmAt night time, I use either Cypress Cleansing Balm or Sunflower Cleanser, before reapplying both the serum and face balm to re-hydrate my skin.  Sometimes I alternate and switch to Diamond Era Serum, which feels fabulous on the skin too.  It's ingredients boost the cells, especially if you're prone to sun exposure.

For more information about Nourishing Face Balm, see Testimonials NFB or to see other Reviews and Testimonials, you can enjoy the personal experiences and success stories, feeling confident that you can also obtain the same results with persistence.

Being Environmental - I try to recycle as much of the items included in my parcels ... from bubble wrap to the foam to help even out the packages sent to you.  Please keep your packaging so that you can use it to return your empty bottles and jars to me for washing and refilling.  I have created a Reuse Category and I will either adjust your order or send you credits for each bottle/jar and postage paid.

What' I'd love from You:  Please Share your testimonials, Write Reviews about Your Products on the webpage, and on the Essentially Lili Facebook page, together with Invite your Friends & Family to Like/Share our pages.

With Much Love, Lili @essentiallylili #beyourownkindofbeautiful #getyourpotofmagic #asnatarualasyou #allnaturalskincare #loveyourskin

Blog Library
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Lux Life Magazine Beauty Awards2020
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Lili @ Essentially Lili
Zurich, Switzerland
+41 763 97 79 51

Copyright Essentially Lili 2020